Esteem MAT
Elmsleigh Infant and Nursery School is a part of the Esteem Multi-Academy trust which currently comprises of eleven academies throughout Derbyshire, Derby City and East Staffordshire.
The MAT’s Vision is to be a Trust that:
- Leads and supports our academies to provide the highest standards of education and development for all our pupils.
- Enables academies with a shared sense of purpose to benefit from alignment whilst maintaining individuality.
- Provides a strong, collective voice for our academies at a local and national level.
- Delivers support and SEND expertise to our academies and to other schools and local authorities.
The MAT’s Three Core Strategic aims are:
- We will provide an ambitious, inspirational, bespoke education, setting the foundation for the future and ensuring our young people are ready for the world.
- We will deliver high standards and value for money from our support services, resources, estate and technology.
- We will invest in and support our people, exploiting opportunities for collaborative, continual professional development, sharing of expertise and best practice
The MATs Values: