School Uniform

Our school has a distinctive uniform which encourages a sense of identity and belonging within the school.

Our colour is navy blue, V-neck, and we ask that children come to school wearing a cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt, (school logo is your choice!), worn with grey/black trousers or skirt and a white shirt or blouse. Black and sensible schools, no trainers please.

Year 2 children have the option to wear the school tie, which is navy, green and blue striped.

Our old school uniform can still be worn whilst we transition to our new uniform.

Sweatshirts, cardigans or a jumper, with the school logo can be ordered from:

Pupils Schoolwear


Online Clothing Solutions

Alternatively, you can purchase uniform from the high street supermarkets.

We also have a surplus supply of used uniform which you can buy for a small donation to our fundraising team, Friends of Elmsleigh.

Emerald Green Embroidered Book Bags are available from the School Office for £4 or £7.

PE Wear

For PE, children will need pumps or trainers for outdoor sport, black/blue shorts and a white T-shirt, in a named pump bag. Please can  children have a change of socks for PE lessons too. Tracksuits or jumpers are advisable on colder days.

You can buy your PE Bag which includes embroidered white T-Shirt and black shorts from the school office for £10

It is important that all clothing is labelled in the child’s name!